This is the greatest recipe I was ever given. It is a family favorite for us. Simple yet delicious pork chops and scalloped potatoes baked with chicken...
My grandfather is Polish, and his mother taught my grandmother how to make these delicious perogies. The recipe has been in the family for generations,...
This may sound like a plain recipe, but believe me, it's wonderful! It is an easy-to-make Middle Eastern comfort food that combines lentils, rice and delicious...
This ham tastes very much like the famous honey baked ham but costs much less, and there's no need to fight the crowds at holiday time. You can even buy...
This recipe has been a family favorite passed on from generation to generation. We traditionally make these for Christmas, but they can be made for any...
This recipe is simple to make, yet impressive. The marinade gives the fish a sweet taste that my family goes nuts for! If it's too cold out to grill it,...
This is an easy and delicious take on a Louisiana classic that you can prepare and cook in 40 minutes! I use turkey kielbasa to cut down on the fat, but...
This recipe is delicious, especially when smoked with hickory chips on a charcoal grill. A spicy rub and a zesty vinegar sauce turn pork into a North Carolina...
This creamy, comforting meal takes just moments to assemble and is always a big hit. Great for large family gatherings and to take to pot luck dinners....
If you love BBQ sauce, this is a tasty and easy dish to whip up when you're short on time. We like these BBQ chops with long grain rice mixed with turmeric...
A great from-scratch salisbury steak and gravy recipe I found a long time ago. The mushroom and onion gravy is wonderful over mashed potatoes or rice....
A great deep dish meat pie made with potatoes, carrots and peas in a rich gravy. Lamb chicken or pork can be used in place of beef. A great recipe for...
This is a great grilled sandwich! Panini get their character or distinct look from the grill marks on the sandwich. I serve it with soup or even salad....
A rich, creamy beef stroganoff. This recipe uses a roux to create a beef gravy that is then thickened with sour cream AND cream cheese. A little bit of...
This is a super-simple, quick pasta recipe that tastes best with cherry tomatoes or other sun-ripened tomatoes. It is perfect during the summer months...
These tasty treats make a perfect appetizer or you can serve them as a main dish. For a main dish count on about 15 dumplings per person. Serve with hoisin...
A quick, easy, and basic recipe for patty melts. I used Jewish rye bread but any bread will work as long as it's rye. I double the cheese but feel free...
A traditional Upper Peninsula of Michigan treat! Complete with rutabaga! I am from the UP and this is the real deal! Rub pasties with a little milk for...
This pot roast recipe and technique could not be easier. The vegetables break down, combining with the meat's juices to create a sauce! Warm, hearty, and...
This is a simple recipe for salmon fillet or salmon steak. With just a hint of seasoning, you can bring out the delicious taste of the salmon. Serve with...
This has been in my family for generations coming from Czechoslovakia. Traditionally, it is mixed with goat cheese from Czechoslovakia but since it's not...
I have been told by several people that this could possibly be the best thing they ever tasted!! A delicious and easy casserole your kids will beg you...
This is an easy and delicious recipe for marinating pork chops, steaks, or chicken. The marinade is prepared in minutes, and the meat can marinate in the...
We are big fans of pizza burgers that some greasy spoons serve, but it is so hard to find a good one so I decided to come up with my own. Here is a real...
Great pastrami is not the easiest thing to find west of the Catskills, so a few years ago I embarked on a mission to find a way to turn the common corned...
Of all the recipes I make, this one is my husband's favorite for salmon. It's made with panko, or Japanese bread crumbs, which are very light and crunchy,...